A Firm Can Exercise Greater Control Over Its Suppliers by Having

Using Information Systems to Achieve Competitive Advantage

Firms with a capitalistic advantage over others typically have access to special resources that others do not operating theatre are able to utilize resources much efficiently, resulting in higher revenue growth, profitability, or productiveness growth (efficiency), all of which at last in the end translate into higher stock market valuations than their competitors.

Michael Porter's competitive forces model describes five competitive forces that shape the fate of the firm.

  1. Traditional competitors: Existing firms that dea a firm's market space
  2. Raw market entrants: Radical companies have certain advantages, such as not being locked into old equipment and high motive, every bit well as disadvantages, such as to a lesser extent expertise and little brand recognition. Some industries suffer lower barriers to entry, ie: toll less for a new society to enter the field.
  3. Sub products and services: These are substitutes that your customers might use if your prices become to a fault high-topped. For model, Net phone service can stand in for long-standing telc. The more substitute products and services in your industriousness, the less you can control pricing and raise your profit margins.
  4. Customers: The king of customers grows if they can easily switch to a competitor's products and services, or if they crapper force a business and its competitors to compete on price alone in a transparent mart where at that place is olive-sized cartesian product differentiation and wholly prices are known instantly (such as on the Net).
  5. Suppliers: The more unlike suppliers a firm has, the greater master it can exercise over suppliers in price of price, superior, and delivery schedules.

Figure 3-10


In Porter�s competitive forces model, the strategic position of the firm and its strategies are determined not only by competition with its traditional manoeuver competitors but also by quaternion forces in the industry�s surround: new market entrants, substitute products, customers, and suppliers.

There are quaternion generic strategies accustomed negociate agonistic forces, each of which often is enabled by victimization information engineering and systems:

  1. Broken-cost leadership: Use entropy systems to achieve the last-place effective costs and the lowest prices. For example, a supply Ernst Boris Chain management system can incorporate an efficient customer response system of rules to directly connection consumer deportment to statistical distribution and production and ply chains, helping lower armoury and distribution costs.
  2. Product differentiation: Use information systems to enable other products and services, or greatly change the customer convenience in using your existing products and services. For instance, Land's Terminate uses collective customization, oblation individually tailored products or services using the identical yield resources as mass production, to custom-tailor clothing to individual client specifications.
  3. Focus on commercialize niche: Use information systems to enable a specific marketplace focalize and serve this narrow fair game market better than competitors. Information systems livelihood this strategy aside producing and analyzing data for finely tuned sales and marketing techniques. Hilton Hotels uses a client information system with detailed data about existing guests to provide customized services and reward profitable customers with extra privileges and attention.
  4. Strengthen client and provider intimacy: Habituate entropy systems to tighten linkages with suppliers and develop intimacy with customers. Chrysler Corp uses information systems to facilitate direct access from suppliers to production schedules, and even permits suppliers to determine how and when to ship suppliers to Chrysler factories. This allows suppliers more lead time in producing goods. Strong linkages to customers and suppliers increment switching costs (the cost of switch from one product to a competing product) and trueness to your firm.

    The Cyberspace has nearly destroyed some industries and has severely vulnerable more. The Internet has also created entirely radical markets and formed the basis for thousands of new businesses.

    Because of the Internet, the traditional competitive forces are still at work, but competitive rivalry has become very much more vivid. Net engineering is based on universal standards, qualification it easy for rivals to compete on Price alone and for new competitors to move into the market. Because information is available to everyone, the Internet raises the bargaining power of customers, who can quickly witness the lowest-cost supplier connected the Web. Some industries, such as the travel industry and the business enterprise services industry, cause been more compact than others. Nonetheless, the Internet besides creates new opportunities for building brands and building selfsame large and loyal customer bases, much as Yahoo!, eBay, and Google.

    The measure chain model highlights specific activities in the business enterprise where competitive strategies can unexceeded be applied and where entropy systems are most promising to bear a strategic impact. The value chain model views the firm as a series or chain of basic activities that impart a margin of value to a firm's products or services. These activities commode be categorized as either primary activities or support activities.

  • Primary activities are most directly concerned to the production and distribution of the firm's products and services, which create apprais for the customer. Primary feather activities include inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, gross sales and merchandising, and service.
  • Support activities make the manner of speaking of the capital activities possible and consist of organization infrastructure (administration and direction), anthropoid resources (employee recruiting, hiring, and training), technology (improving products and the product process), and procurement (purchasing input).
Figure 3-11


This visualize provides examples of systems for both primary and support activities of a firm and of its value partners that can attention deficit disorder a margin of appreciate to a forceful�s products operating theater services.

You can usance the line of work value chain model to nam areas where information systems will better business processes. You send away also benchmark your line of work processes against your competitors or others in affiliated industries, and identify and put through industry best practices.

  • Benchmarking involves comparing the efficiency and strength of your business processes against strict standards and then measure performance against those standards.
  • Industry best practices are usually identified aside consulting companies, research organizations, government agencies, and industry associations as the most successful solutions or job-resolution methods for consistently and effectively achieving a job clinical.

A firm's value Sir Ernst Boris Chain is linked to the time value chains of its suppliers, distributors, and customers.

Information systems can beryllium used to achieve strategic advantage at the industry spirit level by working with other firms to develop industry-wide standards for exchanging info or concern transactions electronically, which wedge every last grocery store participants to sign in to similar standards. Such efforts increase efficiency, making product substitution to a lesser extent likely and perchance raising entry costs.,

Internet engineering has made it possible to create extremely synchronized industry value chains named value webs. A value web is a collecting of independent firms that use IT to coordinate their value irons to produce a intersection or service for a market collectively. It is more customer-driven and operates in a less linear style than the traditional value concatenation.

Form 3-12


The value web is a networked system of rules that can synchronize the apprais irons of business enterprise partners within an industry to respond rapidly to changes in supply and demand.

A large corporation is typically a collection of businesses. Information systems can improve the overall performance of these business units by promoting synergies and core competencies.

  • In synergies, the output of some units can be used as inputs to other units, or two organizations pool markets and expertness, and these relationships turn down costs and yield profits.
  • A core competency is an activity for which a firm is a world-class leader, much as being the world's best miniature parts designer. A essence competency relies on knowledge that is gained through experience every bit symptomless atomic number 3 incorporating new, external cognition. Any data system that encourages the joint of cognition crossways business units enhances competency.

Business models based along a network may help firms strategically by pickings advantage of network economics . In network economics, the marginal costs of adding another participant or creating some other product are negligible, whereas the marginal gain is much larger. For example, the much people offering products on eBay, the more valuable the eBay site is to everyone because much products are listed, and more rival among suppliers lowers prices.

Some other network-based strategy is the virtual troupe , or virtual organisation, which uses networks to link masses, assets, and ideas, enabling it to ally with other companies to create and distribute products and services without being limited by traditional organizational boundaries or physical locations. One company can utilise the capabilities of another company without being physically tied to that company.

The traditional Porter worthy of competitive forces assumes a relatively static industry environment; relatively distinct diligence boundaries; and a relatively constant set of suppliers, substitutes, and customers. With the emergence of the digital firm and the Cyberspace, some modifications to the original competitive forces model are needed. Approximately of today's firms are much much aware that they take part in business ecosystems, loosely united but interdependent networks of suppliers, distributors, outsourcing firms, deportation religious service firms, and technology manufacturers. In a business ecosystem , cooperation takes place crosswise umpteen industries rather than umpteen firms.

See 3-13


The digital firm geological era requires a more dynamic panoram of the boundaries among industries, firms, customers, and suppliers, with challenger occurring among industry sets in a business ecosystem. In the ecosystem model, multiple industries work collectively to deliver value to the customer. IT plays an important role in enabling a dense network of interactions among the participating firms.

Business ecosystems can be characterized as having one or a few keystone firms that dominate the ecosystem and create the platforms used by early recess firms. Keystone firms in the Microsoft ecosystem include Microsoft and technology producers much as Intel and IBM. Niche firms admit thousands of computer software application firms, software developers, Service firms, networking firms, and consulting firms that both support and rely on the Microsoft products.

A Firm Can Exercise Greater Control Over Its Suppliers by Having

Source: https://paginas.fe.up.pt/~als/mis10e/ch3/chpt3-3bullettext.htm

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